Sunday, June 8, 2014


It's getting hotter and humid . I hate this wheather . I took interview test two weeks ago and passed it. So I began to work as a part time job at Osho.  As I mentioned , I cooked Tanzanian food: Samosa. It seems that there is few originally Tanzanian foods. Samosa is originally from India. Tanzania was colonized by India , so some Indian foods are eaten in Tanzania. This is what I cooked.
Curry flavor meat and squashed potato are rolled with pastry sheet for Harumaki. It was so delicious.
But that is not enough for meal. It's a kind of snack. I want to cook again. But the rolling process is bother and takes so long time. So I will cook again when I have enough time to do. I'm thinking what to cook next. If you have any request , please comment.


  1. Your presentation was great!
    I was interested in foods in TANZANIA. It looks good so I thought I wanted to make it. But I'm not good at frying. So I will try to do it when I went back to my home town!

  2. Oh ! Nice !! I've never eaten samosa so I want to eat it !!
